I nostri vini (The winery)

I vini di Costozza sono noti grazie alla cantina realizzata in gran parte dai Conti Trento, all’interno di una grotta naturale.
Alla fine del 1800 i Conti da Schio, eredi dei Trento, diedero impulso alla produzione vinicola, con l’impianto di nuovi vigneti, introducendo dalla Francia il Cabernet e il Pinot Nero. Nel 1905 il conte Giulio da Schio pubblicò l’importante “Enologia e viticultura della Provincia di Vicenza”.
Oggi come in passato il nostro vino è conservato negli antichi Covoli e vinificato con metodi classici da uve di nostra esclusiva produzione quali Cabernet, Pinot Nero e Sauvignon.

As early as 1330, Fazio degli Uberti in his six books of the "Dittamondo", when referring to the provice of Vicenza, describes Costozza as: "the greatest wonder to be seen is the cave of Costoggia where wine is stored and decanted". Ever since the wines of Costozza have owned their fame also to the cellars of the Villas created by the Counts of Trento. This family carried the cool air from the caves into their houses by means of ingenious air-conduits, thereby creating an early form of air conditioning. At the end of the nineteenth century, the da Schio family,heirs of the Counts of Trento, instilled new vigour into their vineyards by planting vines imported from France, particularly Cabernet and Pinot noir. In 1905 Count Giulio da Schio published an important treatise entitled "Oenology and Viticulture in the Province of Vicenza". As in the past our wine is refined in the ancient caves, known localy as "Covoli", and made according to classical methods exclusively from our own vines such as Cabernet, Pinot and Sauvignon. Count Alvise da Schio was the first to cultivate mushrooms in the largest of the caves.